Andy Lea

The Dogman Down under

Andy Lea – My life

I grew up around hundreds of dogs, my mum worked full time all her life in Kennels. My uncle was a Police Dog Handler, some of my aunts also worked all their working life in Kennels. My dad kept Greyhounds. My mum later married a Trainer with Kennels. My babysitters were Kennel Hands. I learnt very young how to handle dogs.
I was born with a love of dogs. I have spent all my working life in the building industry and different types of kennels.
For the past 40 years I have always owned and controlled from 4 to 9 dogs of my own. Always high energy dogs.
For 50 years I have watched, read and listened to thousands of people and dogs learning as much as I can, and I still do! Mainly high energy working dogs
30 years ago, I took a job looking after a pack of 60 Beagles on my own and spent ten years with them. I had to take those 60 dogs at a time off lead for walks on my own. This is when I started to learn dog psychology because you cannot control a large number of dogs without understanding how they think.
I am the most experienced pack leading dog trainer in Australia. If you have a problem, I have been there and done that with real dogs at some time.
I now go out to help people with their dogs at their homes and teach a better way to deal with issues, that their dogs have developed.
I was born in 1956. I am married with 3 children and I currently own 4 high energy dogs.

Family dog specialist

My Training

My training uses the psychology of dogs to achieve a calm, well-behaved, happy dog, even when the owner isn’t around. Knowing and understanding the psychology of dogs is what true dog whispering is about.
Taking my knowledge and using it to help people and their dogs by adapting training to fit with the family dogs and owners different personality’s and home lives is ‘Classic old stye dog whispering.’
98% of the problems with dogs are psychological. This is why training of dogs and their owners at their home is so important.
Learning to sit and stay is okay, but it doesn’t achieve a calm content dog. It is unrealistic to expect a dog to sit and stay for hours because we don’t want it to jump on our visitors. Or any of the other anti-social things we don’t like. When we are not looking… we want our family dogs to happily except rules in a relaxed happy way.
To achieve this a dog’s mind and how it thinks has to be addressed. Any breed and any age dog can be helped become a calm well-behaved, happy dog. I mention a happy dog because an anxious, aggressive, nervous dog cannot be truly content. Although, some breeds are not for everyone, choose your breed wisely.
My training is based on being a master but adapted to fit in with your home and personalities, so your dog and you can enjoy each other. My training is quiet but firm… fun… but controlled.
I currently own four high-energy dogs and for the last 30+years have always owned between 4 to 9 dogs. I’m not a franchise and didn’t learn dog psychology from a book. I learnt from thousands of books, dogs and people over 40+ years. I still do!

Give me a ring. I don’t bite. I’m friendly!

Enquire Now

0407 131 277